Last weekend, I went to the wedding of one of my college roommates. Most of my old roommates were there, and it brought to mind the how and whys of friendship. We were thrown together randomly, and 28 years later, brought together again. We laughed at old times and things we did when we were (much) younger. We talked about where we are going at this stage of our lives. We talked about our children and husbands (and ex-). For a weekend, we were friends again.
When I was younger, I read a book about siblings. One line impressed me a lot: "Your sibling knows exactly what button to push; he or she created the button." That is true, too, of old friends. Each of these friends created in me a facet to the person who went to Chapel Hill in 1980. Each gave a bit of themselves, and (I hope) each took something from me. None of us live in North Carolina any longer, but our history made it important enough for everyone to come together again to see each other, and plan to do it again. I hope and pray that happens.
We are different people from those who lived in Ehringhaus in 1980, but a part of us remembers who we were, and we celebrate that together. Mostly because no one else understands--just those who helped make us who we are now.