Friday, May 30, 2008

More Books! Again!

It has been such a long time since I have blogged, and I promised that I would do more of it. Now I just have to do it!

I have read more books while I have been not blogging. Here is a quick rundown:

The Ungarnished Truth, by Ellie Matthews: A funner idea than the book really was. I enjoyed it, but not nearly as much as Julie and Julia.

Remember Me, by Sophie Kinsella: Not as good as her Shopaholic books, but still fun. I enjoyed it, but wish I had the paperback instead of the hardback, as I would like to list it on

baby proof, by Emily Griffith: I think I enjoyed this book more than any other in this list, except the Paris book. Funny, but not too, and gave me something to think about, as well.

The Memoirs of a Beautiful Boy, by Robert LeLeux: Why is it that because I find David Sedaris absolutely hysterical that people automatically assume I enjoy reading books by all gay men? This book was OK, but just OK. I am sorry I paid full price for it.

A Town Like Paris, by Bryce Corbett: Although I didn't like his style of foreshadowing, and he tended to use certain phrases over and over, I loved this book. Loved his sense of adventure, marveled at his egotism, and fell in love with Paris again myself. In discussing this choice of words with my husband, I do not mean to imply that Mr. Corbett's egotism is a bad thing; in fact, I was happy to be along for the ride. I knew someone (while I myself was a temporary ex-pat) just like Mr. Corbett, although, to my knowledge, he is still searching for his showgirl. I laughed out loud at this book, and am loathe to put it into

A Prisoner of Birth, by Jeffrey Archer: Couldn't put this book down, although it was a formula book. I have always loved Archer, since I read his short story about Mary and Joseph looking for a room at the inn before the birth of their/her baby. I didn't care so much for The Eleventh Commandment, and this one was much better.

The Machiavelli Covenant, by Allan Folsom (audiobook): I enjoyed this well enough, but thought the withcraft angle was a little forced. The rest of it was good, and the pacing kept me listening intently.

Pure Drivel, by Steve Martin (audiobook): You know he's a favorite of mine, and this one is an oldie, but still funny.

In case I haven't discussed, please let me tell you about it. This is set up so that you list paperback books that you have read. Every time someone sees one of your books that they want, they request it. You send it to them at no charge, and when they receive it, you receive a credit. You spend your credits to buy books. There is no charge; everyone pays postage to mail books (at media rate, of course). It is a great idea, and I have used it a LOT. I got all the books that my daughter had to have for her HS Junior English classes, which saved me about $45.00. Love a deal! Check it out.

Monday, May 26, 2008

I Don't Hate the Month of May So Much Now...

I used to really hate the month of May. My children go to parochial schools, and there are (too) many days they get off in May. Add to that the Awards Days, Field Days, Last Day of Class Parties--just too many days to be in school. And I despise summer. Kids in and out of the house all the time. Some of them I like, some of them I love, and some I just can't stand to be around. I know all the good points of having my kids in the house: I know where they are; I know what they are doing; I know who their friends are. I also know I shouldn't resent them being here. I know that I will miss them when they are gone (although not as much as people tell me I will).